I was not tagged or anything, I just wanted to make this blog post for fun :]
1. GREED: What is your most inexpensive beauty item?
My E.L.F eye brushes, my all time favorite E.L.F glow powder and the L'oreal loose pigments that I purchase from the dollar store a while back. Each of them were $1.
What is your most expensive?
It would have to be my Clarisonic Mia which is a cleansing tool, money worth spending!
2. WRATH: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with?
Face primer! Every morning I always include SPF moisturizer and serum in my skincare routine and adding a face primer feels a little too much on my skin especially if I'm going to wear a foundation or tinted moisturizer afterwards. I like how it makes my foundation glide on so smoothly but I don't like adding so much products on my skin.
What product has been the hardest to get?
Wet n' Wild Dream Weaver palettes and their Golden Age palette, which took me many Rite Aid and CVS visits to look for them.
3. GLUTTONY: What are your most delicious beauty products?
This Victoria Secret Goji Berry & Mango spray, LOVE the fruity and yummy scent, unfortunately it's a discontinue item because I purchase it from their semi annual sale last year.
4. SLOTH: What beauty product do you neglect, due to laziness?
Wearing false lashes. I buy so many fake lashes but I never wear them because it takes extra time in the morning especially if I'm in a hurry and it's too much to maintain throughout the day.
5. PRIDE: What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?
As mention many times in the past, eyeliner is a must in my makeup routine. I've made a blog post dedicated to eyeliner here
6. LUST: What product did you lust after before you bought it?
Mentioning Clarisonic Mia once again. I've been wanting this beauty tool for a long time since I first heard about it but couldn't justify paying over $150 for it. I remember playing with the testers every time I visit Sephora and wishing I could purchase one. Luckily I had a giftcard to Sephora and they had a 20% friends and family sale and the Mia went down to $119 so I couldn't past it up At the end I only payed $50 which is the most I ever pay for one beauty item but I don't regret it!
7. ENVY: What items would you most like to receive as a gift?
I would LOVE to try more UK and Asian brand cosmetics since its quite hard to get here unless I order them online.
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