
Ahad, 23 Disember 2012

Lisa Surihani - Google Blog Search

Lisa Surihani - Google Blog Search

My Stupid Rants :3: Kenapa aku suka <b>Lisa Surihani</b> ?

Posted: 02 Dec 2012 07:20 AM PST

Look at her. Beautiful. Seriously. I am speechless.
Okay, not really. But look at that ! Her shining eyes, her cute grin.
Hati berdegup kencang, mata bertentang mata. Adakah ini cinta?
Gulp. She is the epitome of cuteness. No doubt about it.
Why Lisa, why are you so cute ?! Why?
Astaghfirullah. Irfan, take a hold of yourself.
Assalamualaikum :)
Oke, minta maaf atas leteran aku sebentar tadi.
Jadi apa yang ingin aku bicarakan pada malam ini? 
Memandangkan Istanbul Aku Datang ketika ini trending,
Sudah semestinya lah, mengenai wanita yang comel, cantik serta tembam.
Siapa yang berani cakap dia tak cantik? Meh one by one dengan aku.
Biar aku siku mata korang supaya korang dapat melihat kebenaran.
How could she not be beautiful? Her face spells beauty !
Tetapi kenapa aku terlalu fanatik akan beliau?
Bukan ke beliau sudah bernikah? Tak takut dengan Yusry ke?
Memanglah cantik, tapi ramai lagi yang cantikkan?
Ruminah Sidek, Ogy Ahmad daud, Fauziah Nawi, semua lagi lawa kan?
Kenapa kau minat Lisa Surihani Irfan? Aku lagi cantik kan?
Amboi amboi, beribu-ribu persoalan beliau.
One by one, please ! Aku tau ramai minat aku, tapi tolonglah.
Hati aku hanya mampu untuk mencintai satu wanita ketika ini. Lisa.
Nak tau tak? Masa Lisa first berlakon, cerita I'm Not Single,
saya tak minat pun Lisa ! Menyampah adelah. Masa tu fikir,
takdelah cantik pun. Ganas pulak tu. Hurmm. Jadi kenapa berubah fikiran?
Well, meh sini I story one by one okaay.
Mula-mula kan aku tak suka beliau, but then keluar drama Adamaya.
Idk why, tapi drama ni telah membuat aku jatuh cinta kepada Lisa.
Mungkin sebab jalan cerita dia yang sweet yang membuat aku jatuh hati.
Masa tu semua orang sanggup balik dari padang awal,
semata-mata nak tengok Adamaya. lol.
Lisa cantik! As simple as that. I know I know,
Beauty is only skin deep and you should never judge a book by its cover.
Tapi aku bukan suka dia sekadar wajah semata-hidung okay.
Kecantikan beliau bukan hanya pada fizikalnya, tetapi juga pada
tutur katanya, sopan santunnya, pergaulannye. Cehh jetjet aku kenal jee kan :p
Lisa garang! Rawwr. Saya suka wanita garang :p
haha. It gives the image of the 'hard to approach girl' you know?
Dye macam jenis perempuan yang susah nak tackle.
Tengok la dye berlakon cite Adamaya dengan I'm not Single tu.
Kegarangan dye membuat ku tertawan xD
Sebab biasanya kan, perempuan yang garang dan susah nak ambik hati ni,
bila bercinta, mereka lah yang selalu setia kan? Sebab laki lain susah nak rapat.
Kesimpulannya saya suka permpuan yang muka nak makan orang ni.
Comel lah Lisa bila dia marah :3
Sebenarnya semua aku cerita tadi tipu-tipu belaka.
Aku tidak pernah minat Lisa Surihani. Tetapi sebenarnya kan,
Lisa Surihani yang minat aku. Kalau Yusry tau, mati aku -_-
Pelik lah Lisa, suka saya tetapi kahwin dengan orang lain. Mengapa?
Tidakkah awak sedar yang awak hanya memaikan perasaan saya?
Lisa saya taknak awak la, awak dah berpunye ) :
Lupa pula nak bagitauu. Lisa ni, dye selalu berlakon pakai tudung.
Oh, saya paling suka kalau beliau pakai tudung !
I mean, kalau orang tu cantik, pakai tudung. Serious double cantik :3
Semoga Lisa bertemu hidayah untuk memakai hijab satu hari nanti :)
Okay, itu sahaja alasan yang mampu saya beri :D
Pada malam ini, saya akan cuba untuk menonton Istanbul Aku Datang,
Kalau sempat lah. Nak tengok my love Lisa lagi :3
Kalau awak jeles kita suka Lisa bagitau eh,
Jangan pendam perasaan awak tuu tau :p hha
Itu sahaja coretan saya pada hari ini,
# By the way, aku da pena post banyak kali pasal Lisa -_-
# And please follow or like or comment so I have feedback :)
# Last sekali, nak tau tak. Meja sekolah aku ada gambar beliau :D

Setiap LIKE/COMMENT akan memberikan kebahagiaan abadi kepada Irfan Nukman :D

Panggilan Hangit <b>Lisa Surihani</b> - Mien Eaststar 2.5

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 01:11 AM PST

x lawak
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Rita Rudaini - Google Blog Search

Rita Rudaini - Google Blog Search

(8 GAMBAR)<b>Rita Rudaini</b> Di Malam Anugerah Skrin 2012 |

Posted: 09 Nov 2012 06:38 AM PST

Salah seorang selebriti yang mencuri tumpuan sepanjang Anugerah Skrin 2012 ialah Rita Rudaini. Gandingannya bersama Adi Putra ternyata membuatkan penonton menjerit keterujaan. Memang mereka berdua ada aura yang tersendiri.
rita rudaini ask2012
Kehadiran Adi Putra dan Rita Rudaini ternyata menyelamatkan malam Anugerah Skrin 2012 yang hambar dengan dialog yang terlalu meleret. Ini bukan pendapat Abang Nara seorang tetapi ribuan penonton yang meluahkan isi hati mereka menerusi Facebook dan Twitter.
rita rudaini ask2012
Sememangnya konsep yang ingin dibawa untuk ASK2012 amat menarik tetapi mungkin pihak penganjur boleh memberikan tumpuan kepada kelancaran majlis. Kadang-kadang Abang Nara terasa macam menonton teater pulak. Lagi 6 keping gambar Rita Rudaini di ASK2012 dengan membaca entri ini sepenuhnya.

rita rudaini ask2012
rita rudaini ask2012
rita rudaini ask2012
rita rudaini ask2012
rita rudaini ask2012
rita rudaini ask2012

Kredit foto Facebook Anugerah Skrin dan Twitter GUA Malaysia.

Baca Yang Ini Pulak:-

Nora Danish - Google Blog Search

Nora Danish - Google Blog Search

<b>Nora Danish</b> Dan Keluarga Bekas Mertua Bercuti Ke Dubai <b>...</b>

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 08:28 PM PST

Ketika ini di Instagram pelakon, Nora Danish penuh dengan gambar-gambar percutian dia bersama anak tunggal lelakinya, Rayqal di Dubai.

Percutian mereka itu turut disertai oleh keluarga bekas mentuanya iaitu ibu bapa kepada suami Fasha Sandha, Rizal Ashram.

Dek kerana sering bercuti bersama keluarga bekas mentua, Nora selalu saja dituduh menjadi penghasut di dalam hal rumahtangga Fasha.

Tetapi tidak baiklah berkata begitu, kerana sememangnya Nora ada hak kerana Rayqal itu merupakan cucu kepada mereka.

BACA: Gitaris Kumpulan Estrella Meninggal Dunia

Lagipun, jika anda melihat gambar-gambar di bawah ini, tidak nampak sedikipun rasa janggal diantara Nora dan bekas keluarga mentuanya.

Malah, mereka kelihatan begitu bahagia sekali menjalani hari-hari percutian mereka di sana.

Sebelum ini, Nora juga pernah bercuti ke China bersama keluarga Rizal.

BACA: Kisah Mak Janda Kecewa Ditipu Lelaki!!!

Lihat gambar-gambar mereka..



Sumber: Instagram Nora Danish

Iklan Teks:

PERINGATAN: Mynewshub tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap komen yang diutarakan dalam laman ini. Ia pandangan peribadi pemilik akaun dan tidak semestinya menggambarkan pendirian sidang redaksi kami. Segala risiko akibat komen yang disiarkan menjadi tanggungjawab pemilik akaun sendiri

Fizz Fairuz - Google Blog Search

Fizz Fairuz - Google Blog Search

Filem Kahwin 5 Lakonan Usop Wilcha <b>Fizz Fairuz</b> | Sensasi Selebriti

Posted: 30 Oct 2012 04:45 AM PDT


Selepas kejayaan filem pecah-panggung, Hantu Kapcai di pawagam pada bulan lalu, Showbiz Productions meneruskan tradisi menghasilkan filem komedi berjudul "Kahwin 5" yang bakal ditayangkan di sekitar 70 pawagam di seluruh tanahair mulai 27hb Disember 2012.

Rentetan kejayaan Allahyarham Tan Sri P. Ramlee yang mengetengahkan isu poligami dalam filem popularnya, "Madu 3" kini Showbiz bakal tampil dengan satu pembaharuan yang segar dan menghiburkan dengan memaparkan subjek poligami hanya sebagai sub-plot penceritaan melalui filem komedi "Kahwin 5". Gabungan dinamik Usop Wilcha (Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah), Fizz Fairuz (Hantu Kapcai), Soffi Jikan (KL Gangster) serta barisan pelakon wanita seperti Dian P. Ramlee, Anzalna Nasir, Marsha Milan, Adrea Abdullah serta Norish Karman akan membuat penonton tak kering gusi dari mula sehingga akhir penceritaan.

Filem ini berkisarkan tentang seorang usahawan mangkuk plastik (dari Perak) yang berjaya dan dikenali sebagai Dr K (Usop Wilcha) yang sudah memenuhi kuota 4 isteri dari 4 negeri yang berbeza iaitu Saadiah dari Selangor (Dian P. Ramlee), Sahara dari Kelantan (Adrea Abdullah), Monalisa dari Negeri Sembilan (Norish Karman) dan Mimi dari Sabah (Marsha Milan). Kehidupan mereka sekeluarga aman bahagia sehinggalah Dr K dipengaruhi Rahim (pemandunya dan pengampu bos No 1 – lakonan Fizz Fairuz) membuat Dr K terjebak dengan "skandal" bersama Farra (Anzalna Nasir) iaitu adik kepada kepala "pailang", Cico (Soffi Jikan). Terwujudlah dilema Dr K yang dipaksa berkahwin lagi walaupun sudah cukup kuota isterinya.

"Filem ini menampilkan perspektif berbeza mengenai isu poligami. Walaupun watak Dr K di dalam filem ini agak nakal, dia sebenarnya amat menyayangi kesemua isterinya, yang masing-masing mempunyai kelebihan tersendiri. Plot utamanya bermula apabila Si Miang lawan Si Pailang dan bagaimana seseorang lelaki itu harus mengambil iktibar dari sifat mata keranjangnya, yang boleh membawa padah." Ujar Jaja Nadzir, Penerbit filem "Kahwin 5".

Nizam Zakaria, selaku Pengarah pula berkata, "Naskah ini walaupun pada dasarnya mudah difahami dari sudut penceritaan, ianya tetap membuat penonton ternanti-nanti dari satu babak ke babak yang seterusnya. Komedi yang dipaparkan bersahaja dan "natural" di samping menonjolkan sisi berbeza Usop Wilcha dengan watak Dr K bersama "alter ego" nya. Saya amat berpuas hati dengan "Kahwin 5" dan ianya berbeza dengan filem pertama saya iaitu "Cinta Kura-Kura" yang telah ditayangkan pada awal tahun ini."

Poster Kahwin 5

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kumpulan KRU - Google Blog Search

kumpulan KRU - Google Blog Search

Kisah Kejayaan <b>Kumpulan</b> Rap Malaysia : <b>KRU</b> |

Posted: 05 Nov 2012 06:40 AM PST

Ke tepi, ke tepi gergasi sudah kembali
Menerap revolusi tergempar industri
Dari 92 hingga 7 tiba
Perjuanganku aku akan tetap terus bersama

Kini irama bertahta membina empayar
Program utama untuk menakluk dunia
Tak gentar dengan misi walaupun kontroversi
aku rela mati dari hidup penuh hipokrasi

Setengah dekad daku mengembara
Setengah nyawa telah diduga
Namun tetap teguh bersama
Iramaku tak akan mati
Selagi membara semangat ini
Ku laung ku kibarkan panji
Semua punya misi sendiri

Antara permata dan kaca
Terpulang pada penilainya
Namun satu seni itu
Subjektif pada individu

Salam sejahtera dan salam kejayaan kepada anda semua…Macam mana ayat di atas ok tak? mesti anda tahu kan? pada yang tak tahu tu jangan risau nazambiz akan bagitahu. Ayat di atas tu ada lah dirik dari salah satu daripada lagu kumpulan rap Malaysia yang nazambiz minat dan tabik spring, kumpulan tu tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah kumpulan KRU. Kumpulan yang mana ia ditubukkan pada era 90′an yang dianggotai 3 orang adik beradik iaitu Norman, Yusri dan Edry. Apa yang nazambiz tabik spring juga mereka ini lah yang membawa irama rap pertama di Malaysia. Apa yang nazambiz nak kongsikan disini bukan la berkenaan muzik, kontravesi, gosip atau apa lagi yang negatif berkenaan kumpulan ini, yang nazambiz ingin kongsikan adalah berkenaan kejayaan mereka mengukuhkan jenaman KRU bukan setakat di Malaysia malahan di Asia serta di Antarabangsa.

Daripada artis mereka bertiga kini bergelar usahawan. Jika anda ikuti perjalanan kejayaan mereka anda pasti akan sokong jika nazambiz katakan mereka bertiga telah setkan perjalanan kejayaan mereka ini daripada mula lagi. Ini dapat kita semua lihat yang mana semasa menjadi artis mereka telah menubuhkan KRU Productions yang beroperasi di rumah. Dimana ibu mereka yang tercinta iaitu puan Zarina AW Fenner menjadi pekerja pertama didalam syarikat mereka. Daripada situ la lahir artis pertama dibawah KRU Productions iaitu Feminin. Disini kita dapat lihat bagaimana kesungguhan mereka untuk membina jenama mereka dan sekarang kita telah dapat lihat semua itu, yang mana KRU Productions sekarang telah mempunyai 12 anak syarikat termasuk KRU Films, KRU Communications, KRU Music Group, KRU Publishing, KRU Media dan KRU Matrix dan mempunyai 60 orang kaki tangan.

Ini ditambahkan lagi dengan tertubuhnya KRU Studios Sdn. Bhd, dengan ini akan dapat lagi memperkukuhkan penjanaman mereka di Malaysia dan juga di arena antarabangsa. Kejayaan 3 anak muda ini membuktikan bahawa kita mampu berjaya walaupun berniaga dikalangan adik beradik. Mereka jelas tentang matlamat,kemampuan dan kelebihan yang ada dalam diri masing-masing.Kekadang bila nazambiz dengar lagu mereka nazambiz akui apa yang terdapat didalam lagu mereka itu telah mereka lakukan. Sekarang apa yang dapat katakan sekarang tidak salah kita mengambil semangat positif mereka untuk kita dalam mencapai kejayaan yang kita idamkan selama ini. Bak kat orang tua-tua "jika tidak di pecahkan ruyun mana nak dapat sagunya".

Yuna - Google Blog Search

Yuna - Google Blog Search

Watch <b>Yuna</b> Play Glass Is Life&#39;s SXSW Eco Party « The FADER

Posted: 19 Dec 2012 01:22 PM PST

In the fall, Yuna played an excellent party for excellent organization Glass Is Life. We talked with her about wrapping up her first US tour and recycling, and then caught her playing two of her gorgeous jams, "Island" then "Bad Idea." Catch the interview above and the live songs below.

[Korean Pronunciation Guide] 김연아 / <b>Yuna</b> Kim (figure skater <b>...</b>

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 02:00 AM PST

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Erry Putra - Google Blog Search

Erry Putra - Google Blog Search

Lirik Lagu Tidak Tidak - <b>Erry Putra</b> | Lirik Lagu

Posted: 14 Dec 2012 03:37 AM PST

Lirik Lagu Tidak Tidak – Erry Putra

Tidak tidak padaku
Untuk melupakan dirimu
Walau sudah lama berlalu
Hatiku tetap setia padamu

Ya Tuhan
Kembalikan dia padaku
Yang sangat mencintainya
Tak bisa padaku
Terus hidup tanpa cintanya


Apa lagi yang perlu ku lakukan
Kerna segalanya telah ku coba
Untuk memiliki seluruh hatimu
Yang tinggal hanyalah satu kepasrahan
Oh tidak…tidak

Di mana-mana kau berada
Tapi dirimu sentiasa bersamaku
Kenangan memori kita
Akan selalu sentiasa bersamaku

Ya Tuhan kembalikan dia padaku
Yang sangat mencintainya
Tak bisa padaku terus hidup tanpa cintanya

Ulang Korus

Di mana-mana kau berada
Tapi dirimu sentiasa bersamaku

saleem iklim - Google Blog Search

saleem iklim - Google Blog Search

Mungkin Tak Pasti - IKLIM : <b>saleem iklim</b> - fans club

Posted: 16 Nov 2012 12:00 AM PST

# SaleemFC tidak bertanggungjawab di atas segala Artikel yang ditulis oleh pihak pengendali blog. Pandangan penulis blog tidak mewakili SaleemFC. terima kasih

Bunkface - Google Blog Search

Bunkface - Google Blog Search

<b>Bunkface</b> Tak Gentar Dengan K-Pop | OHBULAN!

Posted: 27 Nov 2012 09:06 AM PST

Tercipta sejarah baru buat kumpulan Bunkface apabila mereka telah melancarkan album Augmented Reality (AR) pertama mereka yang bertajuk 'Bunk Not Dead'. Pelancaran album ini telah diadakan di Teeq Restaurant, Lot 10, Kuala Lumpur semalam yang telah dirasmikan oleh Dato' Mukhriz bin Tun Dr. Mahathir.

Album ini memuatkan sebanyak 13 buah lagu iaitu 4 buah lagu Melayu dan 9 buah lagu Inggeris. Usahasama antara Bunkface, Hunter Worldwide Interaktive Sdn. Bhd, dan telah menjadikan album ini sebagai album AR pertama di Asia.

Aplikasi 'Blippar' yang dihasilkan ini hanya boleh digunakan oleh Ipod, Ipad, Iphone dan Android sahaja. Dengan hanya memuat turun aplikasi Blippar secara percuma dan mengimbas album Bunkface, anda akan dapat melihat foto dan video Bunkface terbaru ditelefon  pintar anda.

Bersempena dengan majlis pelancaran album ini, OHBULAN! sempat mengajukan beberapa soalan kepada kumpulan Bunkface yang tidak tercalon keperingkat akhir Anugerah Juara Lagu tahun ini.

Menurut mereka, "Tak kisah, sebab kumpulan kami sudah pun dua kali ke final AJL dan apa yang penting tahun ini, Bunkface menang Shout Award. Kali ini bagi peluang kepada 'band-band' baru ke peringkat akhir AJL," ujar Bunkface dengan nada yang selamba.

Bunkface juga turut memberi komen tentang penjurian juri yang dianggap tidak telus dan lebih memihak kepada persembahan solo.

"Kalau betul ia disebabkan lirik, ini tidak adil untuk Bunkface sebab kami sudah lakukan yang terbaik. Tetapi mungkin juga lagu lain memang lebih sedap dan layak ke peringkat akhir," tambah mereka lagi.

Mengenai komen Bunkface yang 'skeptical' dengan artis K-Pop tempohari di Anugerah Shout Award.

"Masyarakat kita sekarang terlampau didedahkan dengan artis luar sehinggakan artis kita tenggelam langsung tak boleh cari makan. Apa yang Bunkface buat sekarang adalah untuk masa akan datang supaya masyarakat kita tidak mengagungkan sangat artis luar.

"Bagi kami, kami akan terus berjuang sebab tiada kumpulan lain yang berani menyuarakan pendapat mengenai benda ini," ujar Sam selaku vokalis kumpulan ini.

Syamsul Yusof - Google Blog Search

Syamsul Yusof - Google Blog Search

<b>Syamsul Yusof</b> Mula Dalami Ilmu Islam

Posted: 16 Nov 2012 08:17 PM PST

KUALA LUMPUR: Pengarah filem muda Syamsul Yusof mengakui sedang mendalami ajaran agama Islam sejak kebelakangan ini agar menjadi Muslim yang benar-benar bertakwa.

Syamsul atau nama sebenarnya Mohd Syamsul Yusof, 28, berkata, perubahan itu dilakukan sedikit demi sedikit dengan mendekati golongan ilmuwan Islam selain belajar mendalami agama tersebut menerusi buku.

"Sekarang ini saya mahu mendalami Islam kerana saya merasakan diri ini benar-benar cetek dalam pengetahuan agama.

"Bukan itu sahaja, saya turut berkongsi kepada peminat apa yang telah dipelajari di Facebook dan Twitter.

"Bersempena dengan tahun baru Hijrah ini, tak kiralah daripada segi peribadi dan kerja, saya ingin menjadi insan yang lebih baik dan berguna kepada masyarakat, Insya-Allah," katanya.

Tambah Syamsul dia juga percaya golongan remaja di luar sana turut mempunyai masalah yang sama di mana mereka masih tercari-cari landasan hidup menyebabkan dia mahu berkongsi mengenai Islam menerusi pelbagai medium termasuk filem.

Syamsul juga berhasrat untuk menghasilkan sebuah filem berbentuk keagamaan untuk golongan remaja.

Sementara itu, pada Konsert Zikir Terapi Diri Hafiz Hamidun yang diadakan pada Rabu lalu, Syamsul yang merupakan penyanyi undangan berjaya mempersembahkan sebuah zikir berjudul Ya Rabbi bersama saudaranya Anwar Fazal Abu Bakar.

Ditanya adakah dia akan bergiat aktif di bidang muzik, Syamsul tidak merancang apa-apa dalam dunia seni tetapi lagu-lagunya mungkin boleh didengar menerusi runut bunyi dalam filem-filem yang dihasilkannya.

"Sebelum ini saya pernah menghantar lagu-lagu saya ke beberapa buah stesen radio tetapi ia tidak dilayan. Mungkin juga lagu berkenaan tidak mencapai tahap piawaian seperti yang dikehendaki.

"Saya anggap bidang muzik mungkin kurang sesuai untuk saya. Namun kerana minat, saya akan menyanyi menerusi lagu-lagu runut bunyi dalam filem yang dihasilkan sahaja," tuturnya.
Syamsul Yusof Mula Dalami Ilmu Islam 10 out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 10 user reviews.

Faizal Hussein - Google Blog Search

Faizal Hussein - Google Blog Search

<b>Faizal Hussein</b> Bangga Bunohan Duta Negara Ke Hollywood

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 05:00 AM PDT

berita | Tempatan

KUALA LUMPUR, 10 OKTOBER 2012: Aktor hebat, Faizal Hussien akui tidak terkejut selepas filem Bunohan lakonannya tercalon dalam kategori pencalonan awal kategori Filem Asing Terbaik dalam Anugerah Academy ke-85 yang bakal diadakan pada tahun hadapan.

Malah, Faizal Hussien berkata, kejayaan yang dicapai Bunohan itu berjaya menunjukkan satu penanda aras awal bahawa filem arahan Dain Said dan juga dirinya sebagai pelakon boleh melangkah jauh dan bertapak di Hollywood suatu hari nanti.

"Saya tidak terkejut apabila mendapat tahu berita gembira ini, kerana filem Bunohan sendiri sudah terlebih dahulu dibeli oleh syarikat pengedaran luar negara iaitu Oscilloscope Pictures dari Amerika Syarikat.

"Syarikat ini akan memastikan filem yang dibelinya dapat diedar secara komersial ke luar negara dan ia secara tidak langsung dapat memperkenalkan hasil kerja Malaysia ke mata dunia.

"Saya cukup berbangga dengan pencapaian ini dan berbangga apabila secara tidak langung saya dapat menjadi duta yang mewakili negara kita di Hollywood. Bahkan, saya rasa ini merupakan satu petanda aras bahawa filem Malaysia akan diangkat ke mata dunia suatu hari nanti," katanya kepada

Mila Jirin - Google Blog Search

Mila Jirin - Google Blog Search

Lama Menghilang, <b>Mila Jirin</b> Jual Sate? ~ MEDIAPRIMATV GALERI

Posted: 18 Dec 2012 06:48 PM PST

Lama rasanya kita tidak mendengar khabra berita juara Akademi Fantasia (AF) musim ke lima ini. Ramai juga yang tertanya-tanya kemana perginya Mila Jirin. Namun biarpun cerita mengenai penyanyi Persis Mutiara ini sepi di dada akhbar mahupun kaca televisyen tapi dalam senyap-senyap rezeki Mila sebenarnya semakin berlipat kali ganda.
Sambil memenuhi undangan persembahan untuk majlis makan malam atau korporat, Mila rancak juga menguruskan syarikatnya, Luvmila Corporation Sdn Bhd (LCSB). Baru-baru ini syarikatnya diberi kepercayaan menguruskan karnival 1001 Rasa Sate Kajang 2012. Karnival tersebut bakal berlangsung pada 21 hingga 23 Disember ini di stadium Kajang dan perkarangan stadium.

Memberitahu Utusan, pelakon filem Histeria ini berkata, kira-kira 100 acara menarik akan diadakan di sana sepanjang karnival itu nanti. Antaranya ialah aktiviti riadah berbasikal, acara masak bubur bersama rakyat, belon panas, pertandingan futsal, pertandingan autoshow, pesta buku dan maacam-macam lagi. Selain itu, ramai juga selebriti yang akan membuka gerai jualan di sana.

Jadi kepada para peminat Mila yang rindukan penyanyi ini, luangkanlah masa anda berkunjung ke karnival itu nanti. Siapa tahu, anda boleh jumpa dengan Mila di sana.

tomok - Google Blog Search

tomok - Google Blog Search

Asmar Arafad Blog: Lirik Lagu Aku Datang - <b>Tomok</b>

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 05:23 PM PST

Lirik Lagu Aku Datang - Tomok
(Lagu Tema/OST film-Istanbul Aku Datang)

Aku datang kepadamu
Aku datang mencarimu
Tapi kau pergi dariku
Bagai bayu di jari jari ku

Aku datang dengan rindu
Aku datang dengan pilu
Tapi kau terus membisu
Bagai bintang dingin menjauh

Ke manakah perginya kasih kita
Ke manakah hilangnya erti setia
Berlari ku mengejar
Namun cahayanya makin pudar

Ke manakah harusku bawa cinta
Ke manakah harus ku cari syurga
Andai bukan kepadamu
Ke mana lagi harus ku tuju

Ke manakah perginya kasih kita
Ke manakah hilangnya erti setia
Berlari ku mengejar
Namun cahayanya makin pudar

Ke manakah harusku bawa cinta
Ke manakah harus ku cari syurga
Andai bukan kepadamu
Ke mana lagi harus ku tuju

Aku datang kepadamu

sumber :

Scha Alyahya - Google Blog Search

Scha Alyahya - Google Blog Search

<b>Scha Alyahya</b> Duta Baru Avon Ganti Fazura | OHBULAN!

Posted: 30 Oct 2012 02:02 AM PDT

Terkenal dengan penjelmaan menerusi selebriti, produk rangkaian kosmetik Avon ini sekali lagi tampil memperbaharui penjenamaannya dengan melantik aktres yang bersuamikan pengacara popular Awal Ashaari iaitu Scha Alyahya untuk menjadi duta dan jurucakap untuk kesemua produk haruman terbaru Avon sekaligus menggantikan tempat aktres jelita, Fazura.

Demi memperkukuhkan jenama produk komestik Avon, Neelofa juga bergabung membantu Scha Alyahya untuk mengalas tanggungjawab yang diberikan. Cuma yang membezakan adalah bidang tugas dimana Scha ditugaskan untuk duta produk haruman Avon manakala Neelofa pula duta untuk produk kecantikan dan make-up yang lebih dikenali sebagai Avon Colors.

Selain daripada menjadi duta produk Avon, Scha Alyahya juga merupakan duta kepada produk kecantikan Bio- Essence, Petronas dan juga produk mee segera, Maggi.

Akim - Google Blog Search

Akim - Google Blog Search

3quarksdaily: The War On, For, or About Christmas

Posted: 16 Dec 2012 09:30 PM PST

December 17, 2012

The War On, For, or About Christmas

by Akim Reinhardt

Christmas Gujarati greetingsI have very fond memories from the 1990s of listening to a friend's Gujarati Indian immigrant family butcher Christmas carols.

It was an annual Christmas Eve tradition for these religious Hindus.  Each year, with women on one side of the room and men on the other, the genders separated by the large, decorated tree, they joyously worked their way through about a half-dozen classics.  Sometimes they sang in unison, and sometimes they traded parts while they consulted xeroxed lyric sheets.  When it came to "Deck the Halls," everyone always got a chuckle out of the men warbling "Fa la la la, La la la la!"

For me, an American Jew then in my mid-20s, it was a liberating experience.

Christmas might not be everyone's favorite holiday, but there's no denying that here in the United States, it is THE holiday.  None of the others can really compete.  It is front and center in the cultural consciousness for no less then a month, beginning its inexorable, swelling crescendo the minute Thanksgiving ends in late November.

The din of Christmas music, a parade of TV specials, holiday parties one after the next, wrangling a tree, shopping for gifts, writing and reading year-in-review cards from friends and family, and a dozen other tasks and signposts: the United States is consumed by Christmas for roughly four weeks every year.  And it doesn't even end on the 26th.  Rather, that merely kicks off a week's worth of giddy de-escalation, the Christmas season not finally relinquishing its hold on society until the New Year's arrival.

If you have overwrought memories of and expectations for Christmas, it can be quite stressful.  If you've become jaded about the holiday's commercialism and relentlessness, it can be incessantly annoying.  But if you're Jewish, and thus imbued from an early age with a uniquely difficult relationship to Christianity, then it can be downright oppressive and wrought with the a deep sense of inner conflict that tears at you from every direction.

To be Jewish, at least in my experience, is in some ways to feel like a victim of elder abuse.  It is to know that Judaism is directly responsible for Christianity.  We spawned it way back when.  But as that child grew to maturity, it far surpassed us in size and popularity, aggressively claiming countless millions of converts.  And along the way, it turnChristmas Creep (from Daily Trojan 10-09-2009)ed violent towards us.  Crusades, inquisitions, pogroms, the Holocaust.  Century after century, Christians fomented and manifested their weird love-hate relationship with us.  They rape, they pillage, they torture, they kill, but they can't let us go.  Because in the end, they know they are of us.  Because Jesus himself was a fucking Jew.  It seems almost Oedipal.

And for Jews?  To live in the Americas or Europe is to be swallowed up whole, to live forever in the presence of that gargantuan spawn, carrying the burden of centuries of vicious abuse, unable to escape the overbearing presence of Christianity.  And it's to be trapped by a nagging sense that this broken relationship is eternal.  To forever wonder, even if it's only in the back of your mind, when the abuser might lash out again.

Or at least that's how it felt for me growing up in the Bronx, the grandson of Eastern European Jewish refugees who had gotten out just in time.  

And I'm only half-Jewish.

The worst of it wasn't drunken hooliganism spilling over from St. Paddy Day parades, or the specter of ultimate blame that shades the pastels of Easter.  No, the worst of it was typically at Christmas.  Because that's when fear and resentment transformed into envy.

Goddamn if those Gentiles didn't seem like they were having the time of their lives.  All of a sudden everyone was in such a good mood, doing nice things for each other, extending holiday greetings, and sharing moments of real, heart-felt sincerity.  Christians, even relative strangers, have a way of looking in each other's eyes during the Christmas season and saying just the nicest things in the world and seeming to really, really mean them.

Were these actually the same people calling me "Christ-killer," who used "Jew" as a synonym for "cheap," or who in a fit of rage on the playground screeched "Hilter was right!"

But their seasonal kindness and fraternity wasn't merely enough to make me forgive.  It also made me jealous.  

Jews were never this nice to each other.  Not in my experience anyway.  Plenty nice, sure, yeah.  But there was no equal sense of love for your fellow man, perhaps because we were each expected to pledge our loyalty to the tribe.  There was certainly no religious experience as cathartically loving as Christmas.  Passover is a wonderful time for families, but its spirit is more akin to the 1969 New York Mets baseball team (the ultimate underdogs) winning the World Series than it is about Oedipus Rexunconditional love.  And when we got together to really mean something on Yom Kippur, it was about bowing down and asking God to forgive us for our sins.  Of course it was really great of God to do that for us, but what did we actually do for each other?

More than anything, I wanted to partake in the brotherhood of Peace on Earth and Goodwill towards Men.  I wanted to look someone in the eye, shake their hand, and exchange that depth of love.

And of course there were the gifts.  They start with a decorated Christmas tree, that coniferous shrine of positive reciprocity, which is certainly one of the coolest things in and of itself in the eyes of a child.  But the gifts themselves?  For a pre-pubescent, the orgy of Christmas gifts is about as close as you get to sex.

Consequently, to be an American Jew is to be surrounded by Christian discomfort for 11 months, only to be submerged into a pool of Christmastime envy during the twelfth.

Really, it's a bit much.

For many American Jews, all that torment and envy has created a desire to compete.  And the result has been the transformation of a relatively minor holiday, Chanukah, into something that attempts, but fails miserably, to ape Christmas.  Here in the United States, every Jewish child is intimately familiar with the desire and pressure to have Chanukah vie with the distinctly American version of Christmas.

But Chanukah is a very poor substitute for Christmas.

Because the Jewish calendar is an adjusted lunar model with a leap month, the sprawling eight days of Chanukah almost always take place in December, and tend to overlap with Christmas about every third year or so.  This simple coincidence of timing has elevated its importance for many American Jews, placing it in the untenable position of trying to compete with THE American holiday.

I remember, when I was young, checking the calendar some time during the fall, when distant rumblings of Christmas could first be felt.  I hoped to find that this would be one of those years when we had an excuse to be festive when everyone else was.  But even when the stars aligned, it was not enough.  Indeed, in some ways it merely underscored how inadequate Chanukah, the "Festival of Lights," was when compared directly to Noel.

For starters, a menorah is no Christmas tree, and only a burgeoning pyromaniac could find approximate joy in one.  Latkes, Jewish potato pancakes that are the dish of the season, are good.  But they pale in comparison to the candy canes, sprinkled cookies, gingerbread houses, and whatever the fuck else sugar plum fairy bullshit people cram in their mouths this time of year.  And while teaching a child to spin a dreidel is a good way to help him or her develop a gambling habit, the few coins or minor trinkets he or she might earn along Chaukah 1950sthe way can't hold a candle to Christmas gifts.

God damn those gifts.

Historically, Chanukah has had little of anything to do with gift-giving.  But in a failed attempt to compete with Christmas, in a vain effort to keep their children from feeling inadequate as their goyishe classmates drown in wrapping paper, Jewish parents often give their children some gifts during Chanukah.

It's like offering a teenager a virgin colada while all the adults are drinking wine and cocktails at a wedding.

For me, the pleasures of Christmas as a child were not completely foreign because I am a half-breed.  My father was raised Lutheran.  While his family was in far off California, my mother's was close by, so the Jewish influence was much greater, and I was raised Jewish, from Bris to Bar Mitzvah.  At the same time, both of my parents were skeptical of organized religion and the gross commercialism of every holiday, from Christmas on down to Mother's and Father's day.  But they weren't exactly heartless ideologs.

We always celebrated one or the other, either Christmas or Chanukah, some years both.  Either way, we exchanged a few relatively modest gifts.  And though it was usually Chanukah at the fore, there were a few years in which we had trees.  There was a small, silvery aluminum thing for a while. Once it started to shed, my mother tossed it.  We even had a couple of actual pines until my kid sister was born; it turns out she was allergic to them.  Gave her asthma.

I mention this merely to illustrate that I was not raised in a restrictive Jewish household, and that I was not a complete outsider looking in.  I was from a mixed family living in a mixed (Jewish and Irish) neighborhood in the Bronx.  My envy of Christmas was not the hopeless yearning of some Dickensian street urchin, wind-burnt face pressed up against the glass, watching wealthier folk feast on braised goose and baked ham.  Rather, I was Jewish enough to not feel any real kinship to Christmas, but enough of a goy to have some semblance of what it actually was.  And that, no doubt, shaped my envy.

As I got older, my unrequited love for Christmas began to ease.  Drifting into atheism helped.  While I've always held onto my half-breed Jewish ethnicity, leaving God behind washed from me much oSugar Plum Fairy cookbookf the sectarian competition that is so rife among adherents of the major Western religions.  There's something about their exclusivism and genealogy that make their relationships especially rivlarous.  It seems rather distant and silly to me now.

By my late teens and early 20s, Christmas was something I got good at ignoring to some extent.  It was that day when all the stores were closed.  It was a good day to see a movie and grab some Chinese food.  You know, before all the gentiles also began to realize that this is actually a good way to spend a day off, especially after you've been cooped up with your family for far too long.  But now you can't go near a theater on December 25th.

Tragic, really.

However, spending several Christmases with my Gujarati friend's family was a real turning point.  Because it helped crystalize for me the difference between the ancient Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus, and the secular American holiday that doesn't have a damn thing to do with Jesus.

Three generations' worth of Indian immigrants and their progeny would decorate a tree, wrap and exchange gifts, and even sing overtly religious songs like "Oh Holy Night."  They were Hindus.  Not only weren't they Christian, a number of them didn't even really know all that much about Christian theology.  Yet there they were, not only "doing" Christmas, and not being threatened by it at all.  Hell, they were enjoying it as much as the next guy.

The War on Christmas agitators, especially the propagandists in big-time right-wing media like Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, are largely full of shit of course.  Christmas dominates American culture during the entire month of December and almost everybody celebrates in one way or another, including millions of non-Christians.

But the religious Christians who complain that one of their most sacred holidays has been exploited and debased by commerce and secularization?  The folks who rail against "Xmas," decrying the removal of "Christ" from "Christmas?"

I think they're absolutely right.

War On Christmas ComicFor many Americans, Santa Clause is a more pivotal Christmas figure than Jesus.  Elves and reindeer supplant angels and wise men.  "Jingle Bell Rock" and "Winter Wonderland" are far more popular than "O Tannenbaum" or "Oh Holy Night."  And countless millions of Americans spend Christmas Eve opening gifts (or wrapping them at the last minute) instead of going to church.

In other words, my Indian friends weren't singing the praises of Christ's birth because they were about to convert.  Rather, they were taking Christmas and making their own.  They were turning something ostensibly Christian into something that was decidedly un-Christian.

Of course many Americans comfortably overlap the religious and secular incarnations of Christmas, finding ways to accommodate both the generalized seasonal festivities and sincere Christian devotion.  But in a way, making room for both only reinforces the necessity of faith and devotion to co-exist with popular culture in the 21st century West, and particularly here in the United States.

Because in a nation where citizenship is based on a political ideal instead of an ethnicity, and where where national ethnicity itself, "American-ness," is an incredibly dynamic and flexible thing, celebrating the secular, pop-culture version of Christmas is a fast track to actually being accepted.  It's a harmless (though potentially expensive) form of assimilation.  

That's what my Gujarati friends understood.  Celebrating the birth of Christ is a way to be Christian.  But decorating a tree, eating gingerbread cookies, exchanging gifts, and even singing "Fa La La," is way to be American.

I no longer harbor dark resentments or glowing envy for Christmas.  Rather, I've come to embrace its secular form, though only partially.  I still don't bother with a tree; it seems like too much trouble.  And I can also call on my Jewish roots and my inherited opposition to commercialism to avoid all that gifting.  I don't actually like giving or receiving gifts; I never know what to get anyone, and receiving gifts makes me uncomfortable.

Maybe I should speak to someone about that.

Regardless, I have found a way to partake in Christmas to some degree, and in the process, to share in the warmth and fellowship I always found so appealing.

Each Christmas Eve, an old friend and three generations of his small but energetic family host dinner and drinks a tavern in the Washington Heights section of northern Manhattan.  He invites friends, and typically anywhere from a dozen to twenty people show up.  I've been going for about 15 years now.  It's a time to reconnect, break bread, toast, and revel in the glow of the Christmas season.

This weekend I'll drive from Baltimore to New York City, and on Monday night, once again I'll be at Coogan's on W. 168th street.  I'll be back home, among friends, on Christmas.  And this half-breed atheist Jew will be happy.

In that spirit, I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Fa La La La La!


Akim Reinhardt blogs regularly at The Public Professor.  If you visit his site and like something you see or read, feel free to leave nice comments.  But Please.  No gifts.

Posted by Akim Reinhardt at 12:30 AM | Permalink

Is it prescribed to repeat the phrases of the iqaamah twice? | Al Noor <b>...</b>

Posted: 22 Dec 2012 10:06 PM PST

Praise be to Allaah.
The iqaamah (call immediately preceding the prayer) has been proven in several versions from the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), such as the following:

Saying each phrase once, apart from the takbeer ("Allaahu akbar") at the beginning and the end, which is said twice, and the phrase Qad qaamat is-salaah (prayer is about to begin), which is also said twice. So the number of phrases is eleven in total. This is the madhhab of the Shaafa'is and Hanbalis, and is also the opinion of the Maalikis, but they also say Qad qaamat is-salaah (prayer is about to begin) only once.

See: al-Mughni (2/59); al-Mudawwanah (1/179).

This is the iqaamah of Bilaal, the mu'adhdhin of the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).

According to the hadeeth of 'Abdullah ibn Zayd about the adhaan:

He said: Then he went a short distance away from me, and said, "When the prayer is about to start, say, Allaahu akbar Allaah akbar, ash-hadu an laa ilaaha ill-Allaah, ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasool-Allaah. Hayya 'ala'l-salaah, hayya 'ala'l-falaah. Qad qaamat il-salaah, qad qaamat il-salaah. Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar, laa ilaha ill-Allaah (Allaah is most Great, Allaah is most Great. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah. I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah. Come to prayer, come to success. The prayer is about to begin, the prayer is about to begin. Allaah is most Great, Allaah is most Great. There is no god but Allaah)." When morning came, I went to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and told him what I had seen. He said, "This is a true dream, in sha Allaah."

Narrated by Abu Dawood (499). Al-Albaani said: (It is) hasan saheeh.

It was narrated that Anas ibn Maalik (may Allah be pleased with him) said: Bilaal was ordered to say the phrases of the adhaan twice and the phrases of the iqaamah once.

Narrated by al-Bukhaari (605) and Muslim (378).

It was narrated that Ibn 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

In the adhaan at the time of Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) each phrase was said twice, and in the iqaamah each phrase was said once, except that he would say: Qad qaamat is-salaah, qad qaamat is-salaah (prayer is about to begin, prayer is about to begin).
Narrated by Abu Dawood (510); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

In another version, the phrases of the iqaamah are exactly like the phrases of the adhaan, with the addition of the phrase Qad qaamat is-salaah (prayer is about to begin), which is said twice. So the number of phrases is seventeen in all. This is the view of the Hanafis and some of the Shaafa'is.

See: al-Mabsoot (1/219).

This is the iqaamah of Abu Mahdhoorah (may Allah be pleased with him), which was taught to him by the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).

It was narrated that Abu Mahdhoorah (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) taught me the iqaamah with seventeen phrases: "Allaahu akbar, Allaah akbar, Allaahu akbar, Allaah akbar; ash-hadu an laa ilaah ill-Allaah, ash-hadu an laa ilaah ill-Allaah; ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasool-Allaah, ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasool-Allaah; hayya 'ala as-salaah, hayya 'ala as-salaah; hayya 'ala'l-falaah, hayya 'ala'l-falaah; qad qaamat is-salaah, qad qaamat is-salaah; Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar; Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah.
Narrated by Abu Dawood (502) and at-Tirmidhi (192); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani.

Everything that is proven from the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is Sunnah and should be followed. So there is nothing wrong with the mu'adhdhin reciting the iqaamah of Bilaal or the iqaamah of Abu Mahdhoor (may Allah be pleased with them both), although what is better is to do one sometimes and the other sometimes, so that the entire Sunnah will have been followed.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said, after noting that the hadeeths indicate that saying the iqaamah in both forms is permissible:

As that is the case, the correct view is the view of ahl al-hadeeth and those who agreed with them, which is to accept everything that has been proven concerning that from the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and not to reject any of it, because varying the format of the adhaan and iqaamah is like varying the format of recitations and tashahhuds and the like. No one has the right to reject any precedent or Sunnah that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) established for his ummah. As for those who have gone so far as to disagree and split to the point of forming friendships, feeling enmity and fighting on the basis of such matters, in which either of the two versions are acceptable, they come under the heading of those who divide their religion and break up into sects (cf. 6:159). To follow the Sunnah properly in such cases means doing it one way sometimes and the other way sometimes, one way in some place and another way in another place, because abandoning what has been narrated in the Sunnah and adhering to something else may lead to what is Sunnah being regarded as an innovation and what is mustahabb being regarded as obligatory, which would lead to division and differences if others follow the other way. The Muslim should pay attention to general principles which include adhering to the Sunnah and the main body of Muslims (as-sunnah wa'l-jamaa'ah), especially with regard to matters such as prayer in congregation.

End quote from Majmoo' al-Fataawa, 21/66

He also said:

No one has the right to take the words of one of the scholars as a slogan that must be followed and forbid anything else that is mentioned in the Sunnah; rather everything that is mentioned in the Sunnah is broad in scope, such as the adhaan and iqaamah.

The one who says the phrases of the iqaamah twice has done well and the one who says them once has done well, but the one who regards the one way as being obligatory but not the other is mistaken and has gone astray. And the one who regards as a friend the one who does it one way but not the other just because of that is also mistaken and has gone astray.

End quote from Majmoo' al-Fataawa, 22/46

And Allah knows best.

Islam Q&A (

N.S.T: Lirik Kembali by <b>Akim</b> & Stacy

Posted: 19 Dec 2012 10:19 PM PST

Hati ini kan terasa sepi 
Tanpa senyuman indah yang meruntumkan jiwa 
Jadi kelam dunia bila kau menjauh
Bukan cinta membahagiakan 
Hanya keihklasan di dalam hati mu 
Untuk merasakan ikatan hati kita
Ku ingin kau berada disisi ku 
Dalam waktu sukar atau bahagia 
Oh cinta panjatkanlah pinta hamba ini
Cinta kau berikanlah kekuatan 
Untuk meniti cubaan dari mu 
Semoga hari kami kembali menyinari 
Ku ingin kau berada disisi ku 
Dalam waktu sukar atau bahagia 
Oh cinta panjatkanlah pinta hamba ini
Cinta berikanlah kekuatan 
Untuk meniti cubaan dari mu 
Semoga hari kami kembali menyinari