Selasa lalu pihak OHBULAN! telah mengeluarkan berita mengenai seorang DJ radio Best 104, Julie Diana Omar Shariff nyaris dibakar dan bunuh akibat daripada cinta yang tidak berbalas. Sehubungan dengan itu, pihak kami cuba dapatkan pandangan dan langkah berjaga-jaga yang perlu diambil oleh kaum wanita terutamanya artis yang kebanyakannya mempunyai peminat fanatik mereka tersendiri.
Mengulas lebih lanjut mengenai isu tersebut, pelakon jelita, Intan Ladyana telah melahirkan rasa terkejut dan tidak menyangka perkara sebegitu boleh terjadi di kalangan selebriti Malaysia. Pelakon ini turut akui beliau juga pernah berhadapan dengan peminat yang fanatik dengan dirinya tetapi tidak sampai ke tahap yang lebih serius.
"Takut juga kalau ada peminat yang fanatik sampai sanggup membunuh dan bakar macam tu. Selalunya perkara macam ni berlaku dekat luar negara je sebab dekat Malaysia ia masih lagi terkawal. Tapi bagi saya setakat stalker tu perkara biasa dan saya pun pernah kena sebelum ini."
"Jadi sebagai artis, kita kena berhati-hati untuk layan peminat. Bukanlah nak sombong tapi kena berjaga-jaga sebab perkara macam ini kita tak boleh jangka," ujar Intan Ladyana panjang lebar.
Pada masa yang sama, Intan turut berkongsi pengalaman dirinya yang pernah diganggu oleh peminat fanatik sewaktu mengacarakan rancangan "Chopp" di TV9 tahun lalu. Menurut Intan, pada ketika itu dia sering menerima surat daripada peminat misteri yang dihantar menerusi alamat TV3 akan tetapi, Intan rasa bersyukur kerana perkara tersebut sudah berakhir dan tidak berlanjutan hingga ke tahap yang serius.
Menurut pelakon ini lagi, dia turut mempelajari perkara asas seni mempertahankan diri untuk melindungi dirinya daripada perkara yang tidak duduga.
Menyingkap lebih lanjut mengenai isu tersebut, pelakon yang sedang meningkat naik, Siti Saleha turut berkongsi pengalamannya berhubung isu yang sama. Menurut Saleha, sepanjang penglibatannya dalam industri hiburan dia belum pernah berhadapan dengan peminat yang psycho dan bersyukur kerana perkara sebegitu tidak berlaku dalam dirinya.
"Selama saya berada dalam industri ini, semua peminat saya OK. Tak adalah yang psycho dan buat benda-benda tak elok. Paling kurang pun ada peminat yang hantar email dan ganggu saya dengan SMS. Sampaikan ada yang buat pantun untuk saya dan ada juga yang antar SMS lepastu suruh saya main teka-teka siapa dia."
"Saya tak layan sangat semua tu, sebab saya pun sibuk dengan kerja. Jadi, saya cuma layan peminat dekat Facebook dan Twitter je. Itu pun untuk komen-komen yang biasa dan tidak terlalu menyentuh soal peribadi," ujar Siti Saleha sambil tergelak kecil.
Sebagai langkah mempertahankan diri, Siti Saleha akui yang dia juga ada mengikuti kelas kick boxing dan turut mempelajari perkara-perkara asas bagaimana untuk melindungi diri daripada perkara yang tidak diduga.
"Saya ada juga pergi kelas kick boxing dan belajar perkara asas untuk melindungi diri sendiri. Lagipun insiden macam tu selalu berlaku dengan cepat, sampai kadang kala kita tak sempat nak buat apa-apa. Jadi, sebagai wanita kita kena sentiasa bersedia dan berhati-hati dalam perkara maca ni," ujar Saleha sebelum mengakhiri perbualan kami sebentar tadi.
Tue, 2012-09-18 08:40 — Anonymous
What morons actually complaining that he's not a good dad, if he wasnt a good dad he wouldnt be holding his kid and she wouldnt be looking at him so affectionately....
Sat, 2012-08-25 19:26 — Anonymous
OMG! Haters please stop criticising Saif! I made this post to share this childhood photo of Sara, NOT to read whinging people complaining about Saif supposedly looking annoyed with his young daughter! He has shaving foam by his eye for goodness' sake and his young daughter has a razor in hand! I would like to see what all you complainers would look like in a similar situation! Google search "Sara Ali Khan" and you will see photos of Saif kissing Sara and being really affectionate. I made posts of the photos of "affectionate" Saif and Sara but I don't think PV will publish the posts because the pictures have watermarks. Please do not judge Saif by this one photo!
Sat, 2012-08-25 15:20 — Anonymous
Omg this is soo cute hehe
Sat, 2012-08-25 08:15 — Anonymous
lol you guys can tell his whole life story just from one photo? you guys don't know anything about saif and whether he was ready for fatherhood or not. ITS ONE PHOTO FOR GODS SAKE!!!
Fri, 2012-08-24 21:24 — Sai007
Seems like a person who is not ready to be a father.. which is kinda true.. Amrita was way older then him and hence had the kid as soon as they got married .. but he does not .. at ALL look ready.
Married in 1991 and first kid in 1994.. Don't think that's soon at all.
And the kid has a pointy weapon in her hand. I would be freaking out too.
Fri, 2012-08-24 22:20 — Anonymous
He married Amrita when she was at the peak of her career then dumped her when she hit menopause. He got mid-life crisis and started looking around to catch other fish in the sea.
Fri, 2012-08-24 22:12 — Anonymous
Gosh he looks so annoyed...look at is eyes - I see no affection. By all accounts he doesn't come across as a great father.
Fri, 2012-08-24 11:10 — Anonymous
Adorable? He looks annoyed with her.
I KNOWW right??
I dont know HOW people are finding cuteness in this pic.. its kinda cruel.
Seems like a person who is not ready to be a father.. which is kinda true.. Amrita was way older then him and hence had the kid as soon as they got married .. but he does not .. at ALL look ready.
Fri, 2012-08-24 15:42 — Anonymous
Fri, 2012-08-24 12:51 — Anonymous
Fri, 2012-08-24 11:10 — Anonymous
Adorable? He looks annoyed with her.
Fri, 2012-08-24 10:40 — Anonymous
well guys sara isn't entering boolywood acc to her mom...she still has 4 yrs of degree to do b4 making a that time she might lose all the baby fat too...
AAAAAWWWWWWWW SOOOOO FREAKING CUTE:-]:-]:-]:-]AND NO HE DOESN'T LOOK LIKE A CRUEL DAD!!!THAT'S JUST A SPONTANEOUS EXPRESSION!!!!Anyways this pic is soooo super cute,thnx for sharing:-D And BTW,so weird to see Sara all grown up so fast!
I luv this pic even more cause it looks like many of my childhood pics with my own Dad!!When I used to sleep in the morning,he would creep beside me and smear all his shaving cream on my face,& then we wud run around the whole house,I with a razor in tow!!!!!!
Oh God memories♥♥♥♥♥:-)):->:->:->
I wonder how Saif feels about his beti joining movies when he is still doing 'coming of age' movies with the likes of Deepika and Diana. How hilarious would it be if Sara debuts with Salman or SRK who are about five years older than her dad! Ha ha... Could Saif maintain his young stud image who is still finding the meaning of life and love while his beti has also started to explore the same concepts in the same industry??
Fri, 2012-08-24 10:03 — Anonymous
He was too young to get married or have kids.... He was a kid himself... back then... hence, the divorce that led after.
Fri, 2012-08-24 09:20 — Anonymous
awwww this is super cutttte .. Saif was really hot and still he is.
He actually looks like a bad dad..
Fri, 2012-08-24 08:23 — Anonymous
OMGGG he looks like a bad and cruel dad.
That's a candid snap!
But she isn't ready for BW according to her mom.
Fri, 2012-08-24 03:23 — Anonymous
Sara all grown up, on the catwalk,rival for step-mum Kareena.
Fri, 2012-08-24 03:17 — Anonymous
Sara copy of her mum,adorable photo.
Fri, 2012-08-24 02:33 — Anonymous
bollywood debut?? i thought she wanted to study law. she is just 18.
anyway if true, Congratulations!! she is very pretty. which movie?
Fri, 2012-08-24 02:13 — Anonymous
whoa, that looks painful.
She is not ready for BW debut :/
Yes, she will enter BW later on! But not now...
Wow..tht's such a cute photo!
Fri, 2012-08-24 02:03 — Anonymous
Oh my GOD...Sara is supercute........
Fri, 2012-08-24 00:59 — Anonymous